Cyprus Citizenshp

Cyprus Citizenship

Chetcuti Cauchi Cyprus partner & Cyprus Citizenship specialist Kenneth Camilleri speaks to Chetcuti Cauchi's managing partner Dr Jean-Philippe Chetcuti on the firm's experience handling citizenship by investment applications in Cyprus.

Benefits of Cyprus Citizenship Programme

  • 6 Months Process to Cypriot Citizenship
  • All Family Members Included
  • Cyprus Dual Citizenship is allowed
  • Residency Permit Issued within 5 days of Application
  • Once the Cyprus passport is obtained it is valid for life and it is also transferable to Descendents.

Compared with other citizenship programmes

  • Various investment options available.
  • No donation required (donation of €150,000 from May 2019). 
  • 3 year exit (5 years from May 2019): Investments can be Liquidated again after 3 years.
  • Application Process takes approximately 6 months.
  • No medical / health checks.
  • No local language requirement: Investors are not required to speak Greek. English is widely spoken in Cyprus.

Cyprus Citizenship References
